We know in theory that we have to be compassionate towards everyone - even the people who do us the most wrong. But man, it is so hard to do in practice when you’re living through a long period of hell like you did (5 years!). I empathize with your feelings of resentment even to this day.

I’m eager to hear Tom’s response to this since his own work experience is so much different from yours. From my experiences, being your own boss like he is comes with its own set of challenges that can often make you wonder if the grass is greener on the other side through more traditional employment.

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Hello Jon!!

One of the things we said from the very beginning was we were going to be brutally honest. I don’t think I’ve ever been this vulnerable. There are contradictions in this letter when it comes to my worldview and belief system I know that. My purpose is to show everyone I’m still human. I will possibly continue wrestling with the forgiveness aspect in the next letter. But yes it’s very hard.

Being on social media is very very hard too. I know you get a lot of excellent feed back but I also know that the negative responses hurt very much too.

It will be very interesting to see Tom’s response!

Thank you very your response Jon!

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So very true. Hunter reaped what he had sown. Moses to the rescue. I’m sure the work experience has gone from pitch back night to morning bright!

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You can tell the character of a person by the way they treat someone that has absolutely nothing to offer them.” - I love this quote. Good stuff!

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Great story. Thank you for the reminder that God provides in times of need even if it take a bit of suffering while we are being patient. Thank God for Moses. 😇

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Writing that I realize how angry I still am. I haven’t forgiven him. Maybe next times letter.

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May 26Liked by William Kuegler

What you wrote will help a lot of people!

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Thank you Pam! I really do have sympathy and compassion for my brothers and sisters out there that have to deal with this every day!!

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I very much appreciate your willingness to share your faith William, as well as the experience of losing someone very dear to you.

Pastor Francis Chan said a quote once that I hold onto when I am looking for simplicity (although life is never that simple): "We are here to love (God, others, self)...not much else matters."

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I completely understand what you went through with an abusive boss. I had a job where the money was great, but the boss was a bully. He targeted me for some reason, and he used to tell me that he was going to fire me and leave me homeless and wouldn't care. I still have nightmares about him, no joke.

It just leaves you feeling so helpless when you have to go to a job where this is happening. I remember praying in the parking lot in the mornings that he wouldn't pick on me that day. Sometimes it worked. More often, it didn't.

I am so happy that you now have a boss that you love now. Nothing is more valuable to an employee than being treated with respect and dignity. I'd argue it's even more important than a paycheck, because the anxiety related to a bad boss can shave years off your life. I once had a boss years ago who treated me like a second daughter, and I never would have left him. Sadly, he was murdered (not joking), but that's a whole other story. I never forgot how he treated me though.

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